Süti beállítások
  • Minőségi gépek
  • Szakértő személyzet
  • Kiszállítás világszerte
  • 1977-óta
4.8 Google Reviews
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Nivolator Ventilators ventilátor

Nivolator ventilator (2)
Nivolator ventilator (2)
Nivolator ventilator (1)
Figyelem: A gépre vonatkozó információk gépi fordítással készültek.


Nivolator Ventilators ventilátor

14 x Nivolator Ventilators

The Nivolator is a ceiling fan specifically developed for pushing down heat accumulated at the top of an enclosed area. This type of circulation ensures that an even temperature distribution is achieved. The temperature at the top of an enclosed area is normally significantly higher than below, where the temperature is required to be comfortable. This effect is caused as warm air rises. This high vertical temperature gradient has a number of negative effects, including a high average temperatures and excessive heat loss through the roof.

The Nivolator is the ideal solution!

This fan was specifically designed for optimum mixture of the air to prevent the negative effects described above.

Benefits of using the Nivolator.

  • Vertical temperature gradient decreases by only 3°C
  • Up to 30% reduction in energy consumption
  • Extra air circulation during summer
  • Shorter heating time
The Nivolator effectively moves heat to where it is needed, thereby reducing your energy consumption considerably.   price/piece

Műszaki specifikációk::

Típus:Nivolator pvk7 2SN


14 x Nivolator Ventilators

The Nivolator is a ceiling fan specifically developed for pushing down heat accumulated at the top of an enclosed area. This type of circulation ensures that an even temperature distribution is achieved. The temperature at the top of an enclosed area is normally significantly higher than below, where the temperature is required to be comfortable. This effect is caused as warm air rises. This high vertical temperature gradient has a number of negative effects, including a high average temperatures and excessive heat loss through the roof.

The Nivolator is the ideal solution!

This fan was specifically designed for optimum mixture of the air to prevent the negative effects described above.

Benefits of using the Nivolator.

  • Vertical temperature gradient decreases by only 3°C
  • Up to 30% reduction in energy consumption
  • Extra air circulation during summer
  • Shorter heating time
The Nivolator effectively moves heat to where it is needed, thereby reducing your energy consumption considerably.   price/piece

Technical specifications:

Model:Nivolator pvk7 2SN

220 volt -140 watt

Nivolator Ventilators ventilátor

Sajnos ez a Nivolator Ventilators ventilátor most elkelt.

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Nivolator pvk7 2SN

Kérem, hívjon Reno

Boldogan segítünk Önnek. Ügyfélszolgálati munkatársaink várják a hívását.

ELÉRHETŐSÉGEINKHívjon minket: +31 180 632 088


14 x Nivolator Ventilators

The Nivolator is a ceiling fan specifically developed for pushing down heat accumulated at the top of an enclosed area. This type of circulation ensures that an even temperature distribution is achieved. The temperature at the top of an enclosed area is normally significantly higher than below, where the temperature is required to be comfortable. This effect is caused as warm air rises. This high vertical temperature gradient has a number of negative effects, including a high average temperatures and excessive heat loss through the roof.

The Nivolator is the ideal solution!

This fan was specifically designed for optimum mixture of the air to prevent the negative effects described above.

Benefits of using the Nivolator.

  • Vertical temperature gradient decreases by only 3°C
  • Up to 30% reduction in energy consumption
  • Extra air circulation during summer
  • Shorter heating time
The Nivolator effectively moves heat to where it is needed, thereby reducing your energy consumption considerably.   price/piece

Miért döntene a használt gép mellett?

  • Gyorsan elérhető
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  • Alacsonyabb amortizációs költség
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