Süti beállítások
  • Minőségi gépek
  • Szakértő személyzet
  • Kiszállítás világszerte
  • 1977-óta
4.8 Google Reviews
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Checchi & Magli Dual 12 Gold ültetőgép

chechli plantmachine (1)
Egyedülálló alkalom
chechli plantmachine (1)
chechli plantmachine (5)
chechli plantmachine (4)
chechli plantmachine (2)
chechli plantmachine (3)
chechli plantmachine (6)
Figyelem: A gépre vonatkozó információk gépi fordítással készültek.

Érvek és ellenérvek

  • Egyedülálló alkalom


Checchi & Magli Dual 12 Gold ültetőgép

Checchi & Magli Dual 12 Gold planting machine The Checchi & Magli Dual 12 Gold allows one operator to feed two rows by releasing alternate plants from each unit. This also means that the plants be can staggered much easier - therefore allowing the maximum light for plant growth. This also enables closer row-to-row spacings. The distance between the planting rows of 1 element is 26-50 cms. These machines are land wheel driven so this allows for a greater accuracy of plant spacing.  
  • Large 12 cup distributor with flat bottom opening cup for reduced noise and reduced wear
  • 4000-5000 plants/hr per operator
  • Ground wheels carry the weight of the machine and drive the planting operation.
  • 3 way adjustment on packing wheels for all soil conditions.
  • The packing wheels maintain accurate planting depth.
he planting unit is mounted on the tool bar with a parallelogram which provides a tension to counter-balance the weight of the planter, reducing ground pressure, which enables the planter to consistently float along the plant bed. The front press wheel firms the planting zone before the ploughshare creates the furrow into which the seedling is planted. The gentle floating of the planter on the soil ensures accurate and consistent planting depth. The plant is dropped from the distributor into the planting ploughshare. The plant is held vertical in the ploughshare between a front curtain and the kicker. The planting mechanism is synchronised with the ground travel to accurately maintain the pre-set inter-plant spacing and the timing of the raising of the curtain and the pushing of the seedling by the kicker into the furrow in a smooth coordinated action. The trailing packing wheels then press the soil around the seedling.

Műszaki specifikációk::

Típus:Dual 12 Gold
Kiadási év:2004


Checchi & Magli Dual 12 Gold planting machine The Checchi & Magli Dual 12 Gold allows one operator to feed two rows by releasing alternate plants from each unit. This also means that the plants be can staggered much easier - therefore allowing the maximum light for plant growth. This also enables closer row-to-row spacings. The distance between the planting rows of 1 element is 26-50 cms. These machines are land wheel driven so this allows for a greater accuracy of plant spacing.  
  • Large 12 cup distributor with flat bottom opening cup for reduced noise and reduced wear
  • 4000-5000 plants/hr per operator
  • Ground wheels carry the weight of the machine and drive the planting operation.
  • 3 way adjustment on packing wheels for all soil conditions.
  • The packing wheels maintain accurate planting depth.
he planting unit is mounted on the tool bar with a parallelogram which provides a tension to counter-balance the weight of the planter, reducing ground pressure, which enables the planter to consistently float along the plant bed. The front press wheel firms the planting zone before the ploughshare creates the furrow into which the seedling is planted. The gentle floating of the planter on the soil ensures accurate and consistent planting depth. The plant is dropped from the distributor into the planting ploughshare. The plant is held vertical in the ploughshare between a front curtain and the kicker. The planting mechanism is synchronised with the ground travel to accurately maintain the pre-set inter-plant spacing and the timing of the raising of the curtain and the pushing of the seedling by the kicker into the furrow in a smooth coordinated action. The trailing packing wheels then press the soil around the seedling.

Technical specifications:

Model:Dual 12 Gold

Checchi & Magli Dual 12 Gold ültetőgép

Sajnos ez a Checchi & Magli Dual 12 Gold ültetőgép most elkelt.

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Dual 12 Gold
Gyártási év

Kérem, hívjon Reno

Boldogan segítünk Önnek. Ügyfélszolgálati munkatársaink várják a hívását.

ELÉRHETŐSÉGEINKHívjon minket: +31 180 632 088


Checchi & Magli Dual 12 Gold planting machine The Checchi & Magli Dual 12 Gold allows one operator to feed two rows by releasing alternate plants from each unit. This also means that the plants be can staggered much easier - therefore allowing the maximum light for plant growth. This also enables closer row-to-row spacings. The distance between the planting rows of 1 element is 26-50 cms. These machines are land wheel driven so this allows for a greater accuracy of plant spacing.  
  • Large 12 cup distributor with flat bottom opening cup for reduced noise and reduced wear
  • 4000-5000 plants/hr per operator
  • Ground wheels carry the weight of the machine and drive the planting operation.
  • 3 way adjustment on packing wheels for all soil conditions.
  • The packing wheels maintain accurate planting depth.
he planting unit is mounted on the tool bar with a parallelogram which provides a tension to counter-balance the weight of the planter, reducing ground pressure, which enables the planter to consistently float along the plant bed. The front press wheel firms the planting zone before the ploughshare creates the furrow into which the seedling is planted. The gentle floating of the planter on the soil ensures accurate and consistent planting depth. The plant is dropped from the distributor into the planting ploughshare. The plant is held vertical in the ploughshare between a front curtain and the kicker. The planting mechanism is synchronised with the ground travel to accurately maintain the pre-set inter-plant spacing and the timing of the raising of the curtain and the pushing of the seedling by the kicker into the furrow in a smooth coordinated action. The trailing packing wheels then press the soil around the seedling.

Miért döntene a használt gép mellett?

  • Gyorsan elérhető
  • Kisebb beszerzési költség
  • Alacsonyabb amortizációs költség
  • Megegyező funkcionalitás
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