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Lauwers topbeltlifter fákhoz

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Egyedülálló alkalom
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lauwers bomenrooier (11)
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Lauwers topbeltlifter fákhoz

Lauwers topbeltlifter for trees. The Lauwers plant fitting machine has been especially developed for use in tree nurseries. It is designed to be mounted on to the right-hand side of the tractor. The frame is built from heavy square section tubing. This solid construction is necessary to withstand the enormous torque which develops during the fitting of larger trees. The whole machine is hydraulically driven. The lifting assembly with the ‘U’blade is attached to the tractor with the lifting cylinder

three large  wheels, with low roll resistance, support the machine during lifting operation. These improve machine stability, especially in wet ground conditions.

Once the plants have been cut tree by the wide ‘U’ blade, they are gripped between 2 soft rubber belts, which run on nylon rollers, equipped with bearings. After being lifted, the plants are automatically transferred to a  conveyer belt at the rear of the machine. The machine assistant can then conveniently collect the plants and stack them Lauwers

Műszaki specifikációk::

Típus:Borobos AlC
Kiadási év:2006


Lauwers topbeltlifter for trees. The Lauwers plant fitting machine has been especially developed for use in tree nurseries. It is designed to be mounted on to the right-hand side of the tractor. The frame is built from heavy square section tubing. This solid construction is necessary to withstand the enormous torque which develops during the fitting of larger trees. The whole machine is hydraulically driven. The lifting assembly with the ‘U’blade is attached to the tractor with the lifting cylinder

three large  wheels, with low roll resistance, support the machine during lifting operation. These improve machine stability, especially in wet ground conditions.

Once the plants have been cut tree by the wide ‘U’ blade, they are gripped between 2 soft rubber belts, which run on nylon rollers, equipped with bearings. After being lifted, the plants are automatically transferred to a  conveyer belt at the rear of the machine. The machine assistant can then conveniently collect the plants and stack them Lauwers

Technical specifications:

Model:Borobos AlC

Lauwers topbeltlifter fákhoz

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Borobos AlC
Gyártási év

Kérem, hívjon Reno

Boldogan segítünk Önnek. Ügyfélszolgálati munkatársaink várják a hívását.

ELÉRHETŐSÉGEINKHívjon minket: +31 180 632 088


Lauwers topbeltlifter for trees. The Lauwers plant fitting machine has been especially developed for use in tree nurseries. It is designed to be mounted on to the right-hand side of the tractor. The frame is built from heavy square section tubing. This solid construction is necessary to withstand the enormous torque which develops during the fitting of larger trees. The whole machine is hydraulically driven. The lifting assembly with the ‘U’blade is attached to the tractor with the lifting cylinder

three large  wheels, with low roll resistance, support the machine during lifting operation. These improve machine stability, especially in wet ground conditions.

Once the plants have been cut tree by the wide ‘U’ blade, they are gripped between 2 soft rubber belts, which run on nylon rollers, equipped with bearings. After being lifted, the plants are automatically transferred to a  conveyer belt at the rear of the machine. The machine assistant can then conveniently collect the plants and stack them

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