Süti beállítások
  • Minőségi gépek
  • Szakértő személyzet
  • Kiszállítás világszerte
  • 1977-óta
4.8 Google Reviews
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Ulma PV-350 LS-H-I-X tömlős csomaglógép (flow pack) eurolockkal
Ulma Atlanta tömlős csomaglógép (flow pack) Kallfass Shrinkerrel
Fólia tekercs kocsi
Fólia tekercs tartó
Viscon pneumatikus adagoló
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Espera ES7002 ellenőrző mérleg 2 felső matricaegységgel

Ulma PV-350 csomagológép zsugorodó alagúttal

Egyedülálló alkalom
Extra versenyképes áron
Sealbalk krimpfolie
Flowpack of vegetables
Flowpack of vegetables
Figyelem: A gépre vonatkozó információk gépi fordítással készültek.

Érvek és ellenérvek

  • A gép alkalmas zsugorodásra és normál áramlási csomagra
  • Egyedülálló alkalom
  • Extra versenyképes áron


Ulma PV-350 csomagológép zsugorodó alagúttal

Ulma PV-350  packing machine with  Ulma TB40/30X shrink tunnel

To (flow) pack different type of vegetables in shrink foil.

Machine is suitable for shrink and normal flowpack

Machines form a family of packing machines with a film coil at the lower part of the machine. This is the reason why they are specially recommended for irregular or difficult to drag products.

This model is strong, easy to use and reliable, as all Ulma machines are, but it also is highly versatile in format change and has a wide range of versions which guarantee the perfect adaptation of the machine to the needs of each application, specially valuable in agriculture, meat processing, dairy sector, etc."

  • Double film roll holder  
  •  Digitally adjustable sealing temperature 
  •  Adjustable folding box
  •  Electronic speed control Temperature control for sealing bar and seal rolls Infeed belt 
  • Made of stainless steel and materials protected with anticorrosive treatment
  • Working sense : from right to left
  • Feeding conveyor 345 cm with new belt
  • Mould with stretchable former
  • According to European guidelines / CE marking

 Ulma TB40/30X shrink tunnel

  • 12Kw

Will be deliverd with flat supply conveyor, currently not on the picture.


Műszaki specifikációk::

Típus:PV-350 & TB40/30X
Kiadási év:2006
Szállítási méretek:910 cm x 220 cm x 200 cm (hossz x szélesség x magasság)

Érvek és ellenérvek

  • A gép alkalmas zsugorodásra és normál áramlási csomagra


Ulma PV-350  packing machine with  Ulma TB40/30X shrink tunnel

To (flow) pack different type of vegetables in shrink foil.

Machine is suitable for shrink and normal flowpack

Machines form a family of packing machines with a film coil at the lower part of the machine. This is the reason why they are specially recommended for irregular or difficult to drag products.

This model is strong, easy to use and reliable, as all Ulma machines are, but it also is highly versatile in format change and has a wide range of versions which guarantee the perfect adaptation of the machine to the needs of each application, specially valuable in agriculture, meat processing, dairy sector, etc."

  • Double film roll holder  
  •  Digitally adjustable sealing temperature 
  •  Adjustable folding box
  •  Electronic speed control Temperature control for sealing bar and seal rolls Infeed belt 
  • Made of stainless steel and materials protected with anticorrosive treatment
  • Working sense : from right to left
  • Feeding conveyor 345 cm with new belt
  • Mould with stretchable former
  • According to European guidelines / CE marking

 Ulma TB40/30X shrink tunnel

  • 12Kw

Will be deliverd with flat supply conveyor, currently not on the picture.


Technical specifications:

Model:PV-350 & TB40/30X
Transport dimensions:910 cm x 220 cm x 200 cm (length x width x height)

380/400 volt

Ulma PV-350 csomagológép zsugorodó alagúttal

Sajnos ez a Ulma PV-350 csomagológép zsugorodó alagúttal most elkelt.

Szeretne értesülni, ha elérhető lesz egy hasonló Tömlős csomaglógépek (Flow pack)? Itt töltse ki adatait.


Kérem, hívjon Ray

Boldogan segítünk Önnek. Ügyfélszolgálati munkatársaink várják a hívását.

ELÉRHETŐSÉGEINKHívjon minket: +31 180 632 088


Ulma PV-350  packing machine with  Ulma TB40/30X shrink tunnel

To (flow) pack different type of vegetables in shrink foil.

Machine is suitable for shrink and normal flowpack

Machines form a family of packing machines with a film coil at the lower part of the machine. This is the reason why they are specially recommended for irregular or difficult to drag products.

This model is strong, easy to use and reliable, as all Ulma machines are, but it also is highly versatile in format change and has a wide range of versions which guarantee the perfect adaptation of the machine to the needs of each application, specially valuable in agriculture, meat processing, dairy sector, etc."

  • Double film roll holder  
  •  Digitally adjustable sealing temperature 
  •  Adjustable folding box
  •  Electronic speed control Temperature control for sealing bar and seal rolls Infeed belt 
  • Made of stainless steel and materials protected with anticorrosive treatment
  • Working sense : from right to left
  • Feeding conveyor 345 cm with new belt
  • Mould with stretchable former
  • According to European guidelines / CE marking

 Ulma TB40/30X shrink tunnel

  • 12Kw

Will be deliverd with flat supply conveyor, currently not on the picture.

Miért döntene a használt gép mellett?

  • Gyorsan elérhető
  • Kisebb beszerzési költség
  • Alacsonyabb amortizációs költség
  • Megegyező funkcionalitás
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