Süti beállítások
  • Minőségi gépek
  • Szakértő személyzet
  • Kiszállítás világszerte
  • 1977-óta
4.8 Google Reviews
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Sorma FBH 108 raklapozó

Figyelem: A gépre vonatkozó információk gépi fordítással készültek.


Sorma FBH 108 raklapozó

Sorma FBH 108 clamp palletizer

Suitable for different sizes, suitable for stacking wood, cardboard and plastic boxes.

This Sorma palletizer enables you to automatically stack boxes or crates on pallets. This smart stacking system offers you not only considerable labour reductions, it is also ergonomically. Furthermore, the boxes and crates are stacked very nicely.

After each layer is added, a retractable plate and pneumatic clamps move the next layer into position before lowering it into the stacking position.

Specifications of Sorma FBH 108 

  • Complete with small conveyor to feed the boxes 
  • Max. height of boxes 30 cm 
  • Max. height of pallet 240 cm 
  • Max. load per layer 120 kg


    Műszaki specifikációk::

    Típus:FBH 108
    Kiadási év:2014
    Motor:5 kW – 50 Hz – 400V


    Sorma FBH 108 clamp palletizer

    Suitable for different sizes, suitable for stacking wood, cardboard and plastic boxes.

    This Sorma palletizer enables you to automatically stack boxes or crates on pallets. This smart stacking system offers you not only considerable labour reductions, it is also ergonomically. Furthermore, the boxes and crates are stacked very nicely.

    After each layer is added, a retractable plate and pneumatic clamps move the next layer into position before lowering it into the stacking position.

    Specifications of Sorma FBH 108 

    • Complete with small conveyor to feed the boxes 
    • Max. height of boxes 30 cm 
    • Max. height of pallet 240 cm 
    • Max. load per layer 120 kg


      Technical specifications:

      Model:FBH 108
      Motor:5 kW – 50 Hz – 400V

      Sorma FBH 108 raklapozó

      Sajnos ez a Sorma FBH 108 raklapozó most elkelt.

      Szeretne értesülni, ha elérhető lesz egy hasonló Raklapozó berendezések? Itt töltse ki adatait.


      Kérem, hívjon Ray

      Boldogan segítünk Önnek. Ügyfélszolgálati munkatársaink várják a hívását.

      ELÉRHETŐSÉGEINKHívjon minket: +31 180 632 088


      Sorma FBH 108 clamp palletizer

      Suitable for different sizes, suitable for stacking wood, cardboard and plastic boxes.

      This Sorma palletizer enables you to automatically stack boxes or crates on pallets. This smart stacking system offers you not only considerable labour reductions, it is also ergonomically. Furthermore, the boxes and crates are stacked very nicely.

      After each layer is added, a retractable plate and pneumatic clamps move the next layer into position before lowering it into the stacking position.

      Specifications of Sorma FBH 108 

      • Complete with small conveyor to feed the boxes 
      • Max. height of boxes 30 cm 
      • Max. height of pallet 240 cm 
      • Max. load per layer 120 kg

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