Süti beállítások
  • Minőségi gépek
  • Szakértő személyzet
  • Kiszállítás világszerte
  • 1977-óta
4.8 Google Reviews
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Mafo 230SN industrial tray and cratewasher

Figyelem: A gépre vonatkozó információk gépi fordítással készültek.


Mafo 230SN industrial tray and cratewasher

MAFO 230SN industrial tray and crate washer.

Suitable forwashing various sizes of trays and crates.


This washing machine is designed for a nominal capacity of maximum 400 crates per hour, but the actual capacity varies with crate sizes and type or amount of soil to be removed from the crates.


The compact modular construction of the machine combines easy operation with a high degree of efficiency. Equipped with a looping track.


Water is circulated in the main wash section of the Mafo 230M and filtered before used for washing again. The filter can be cleaned quickly and easily. The water from the separate final rinse section is directed continuously to the main wash tank and this compensates for the loss of water that leaves the machine with the washed products and the loss due to evaporation. The water in the main wash section is thus constantly refreshed. The result is the reduction of water and energy consumption to a minimum.


Extern Live steam/water injection (not included)


The Mafo 230M, together with the Mafo 340M form the basis of the Mafo modular system. This modular system offers many possibilities for custom-built solutions, also in combination with blow-off units.


Using stainless steel and other high quality materials results in the lowest the maintenance and service costs of the Mafo 230M. All this makes the Mafo 230M a good investment for your operations.

Crate width and height adjustable

  • Max. 24 cm high crates
  • Max. 80 cm wide crates


Műszaki specifikációk::

Típus:MAFO 230SN


MAFO 230SN industrial tray and crate washer.

Suitable forwashing various sizes of trays and crates.


This washing machine is designed for a nominal capacity of maximum 400 crates per hour, but the actual capacity varies with crate sizes and type or amount of soil to be removed from the crates.


The compact modular construction of the machine combines easy operation with a high degree of efficiency. Equipped with a looping track.


Water is circulated in the main wash section of the Mafo 230M and filtered before used for washing again. The filter can be cleaned quickly and easily. The water from the separate final rinse section is directed continuously to the main wash tank and this compensates for the loss of water that leaves the machine with the washed products and the loss due to evaporation. The water in the main wash section is thus constantly refreshed. The result is the reduction of water and energy consumption to a minimum.


Extern Live steam/water injection (not included)


The Mafo 230M, together with the Mafo 340M form the basis of the Mafo modular system. This modular system offers many possibilities for custom-built solutions, also in combination with blow-off units.


Using stainless steel and other high quality materials results in the lowest the maintenance and service costs of the Mafo 230M. All this makes the Mafo 230M a good investment for your operations.

Crate width and height adjustable

  • Max. 24 cm high crates
  • Max. 80 cm wide crates


Technical specifications:

Model:MAFO 230SN

Mafo 230SN industrial tray and cratewasher

Sajnos ez a Mafo 230SN industrial tray and cratewasher most elkelt.

Szeretne értesülni, ha elérhető lesz egy hasonló Zöldségmosó gépek? Itt töltse ki adatait.


Kérem, hívjon Soufiane

Boldogan segítünk Önnek. Ügyfélszolgálati munkatársaink várják a hívását.

ELÉRHETŐSÉGEINKHívjon minket: +31 180 632 088


MAFO 230SN industrial tray and crate washer.

Suitable forwashing various sizes of trays and crates.


This washing machine is designed for a nominal capacity of maximum 400 crates per hour, but the actual capacity varies with crate sizes and type or amount of soil to be removed from the crates.


The compact modular construction of the machine combines easy operation with a high degree of efficiency. Equipped with a looping track.


Water is circulated in the main wash section of the Mafo 230M and filtered before used for washing again. The filter can be cleaned quickly and easily. The water from the separate final rinse section is directed continuously to the main wash tank and this compensates for the loss of water that leaves the machine with the washed products and the loss due to evaporation. The water in the main wash section is thus constantly refreshed. The result is the reduction of water and energy consumption to a minimum.


Extern Live steam/water injection (not included)


The Mafo 230M, together with the Mafo 340M form the basis of the Mafo modular system. This modular system offers many possibilities for custom-built solutions, also in combination with blow-off units.


Using stainless steel and other high quality materials results in the lowest the maintenance and service costs of the Mafo 230M. All this makes the Mafo 230M a good investment for your operations.

Crate width and height adjustable

  • Max. 24 cm high crates
  • Max. 80 cm wide crates

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