Süti beállítások
  • Minőségi gépek
  • Szakértő személyzet
  • Kiszállítás világszerte
  • 1977-óta
4.8 Google Reviews
V-55-14R kefés tisztítógép
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Csomagolóasztal 120 x 120 cm
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Grisnich előosztályozó hordóval, sárgarépához
Visser L alakú csavarszivattyú
Verhoest póréhagyma mosó és hámozó gép

Eillert növényi Flume GWT típusú mosógép

Ár kérésre

Eillert washer (10)
Egyedülálló alkalom
Eillert washer (10)
Eillert washer (11)
Eillert washer (4)
Eillert washer (3)
Eillert washer (9)
Eillert washer (6)
Eillert washer (8)
Eillert washer (7)
Figyelem: A gépre vonatkozó információk gépi fordítással készültek.

Érvek és ellenérvek

  • Egyedülálló alkalom


Eillert növényi Flume GWT típusú mosógép

Flume Washer vegetable washing machines of the type GWT are carried out with a vibration sieve, which conveys the washed product. The effective washing length of this machine is 3.000 mm . The width of the machines is  500 mm To meet the increased demand for sensitive products the eillert GWT is equipped with special pumps, these pumps have the ability to correct water pressure and transfer speed to suit the product.
  • The super smooth side and bottom nozzles provide a perfect water flow and turbulence, which creates an optimal washing effect.
  • A double by-pass provides a sophisticated balance between propulsion and product overflow.
  • Can wash up to approx. 1.200 kg. per hour depending on the product and configuration of the line
  • This stainless steel washing machine is designed for cleaning dirt and grubs from all vegetables heavy or light.For products like Lollo Bionda, Lollo Rosso, Arugula and other kinds of baby leaf,and lettuce or other kind vegetables  and fruit

Műszaki specifikációk::

Kiadási év:2000
Kapacitás:max 1200 kg/ h


Flume Washer vegetable washing machines of the type GWT are carried out with a vibration sieve, which conveys the washed product. The effective washing length of this machine is 3.000 mm . The width of the machines is  500 mm To meet the increased demand for sensitive products the eillert GWT is equipped with special pumps, these pumps have the ability to correct water pressure and transfer speed to suit the product.
  • The super smooth side and bottom nozzles provide a perfect water flow and turbulence, which creates an optimal washing effect.
  • A double by-pass provides a sophisticated balance between propulsion and product overflow.
  • Can wash up to approx. 1.200 kg. per hour depending on the product and configuration of the line
  • This stainless steel washing machine is designed for cleaning dirt and grubs from all vegetables heavy or light.For products like Lollo Bionda, Lollo Rosso, Arugula and other kinds of baby leaf,and lettuce or other kind vegetables  and fruit

Technical specifications:

Capacity:max 1200 kg/ h

Eillert növényi Flume GWT típusú mosógép

Sajnos ez a Eillert növényi Flume GWT típusú mosógép most elkelt.

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Ár kérésre

Gyártási év

Kérem, hívjon Bas

Boldogan segítünk Önnek. Ügyfélszolgálati munkatársaink várják a hívását.

ELÉRHETŐSÉGEINKHívjon minket: +31 180 632 088


Flume Washer vegetable washing machines of the type GWT are carried out with a vibration sieve, which conveys the washed product. The effective washing length of this machine is 3.000 mm . The width of the machines is  500 mm To meet the increased demand for sensitive products the eillert GWT is equipped with special pumps, these pumps have the ability to correct water pressure and transfer speed to suit the product.
  • The super smooth side and bottom nozzles provide a perfect water flow and turbulence, which creates an optimal washing effect.
  • A double by-pass provides a sophisticated balance between propulsion and product overflow.
  • Can wash up to approx. 1.200 kg. per hour depending on the product and configuration of the line
  • This stainless steel washing machine is designed for cleaning dirt and grubs from all vegetables heavy or light.For products like Lollo Bionda, Lollo Rosso, Arugula and other kinds of baby leaf,and lettuce or other kind vegetables  and fruit

Miért döntene a használt gép mellett?

  • Gyorsan elérhető
  • Kisebb beszerzési költség
  • Alacsonyabb amortizációs költség
  • Megegyező funkcionalitás
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