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Potveer virágszivacs fürtöző zsinór In-line kúpos zsinórral

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Potveer virágszivacs fürtöző zsinór In-line kúpos zsinórral

Potveer flower bunching line with sponges, In-line tape binding machine and bunching conveyor. The Potveer In-line Taper is a device for quick and efficient taping of flowers, with or without a sleeve, in a flower processing line. The tape binding machine has been developed for the binding of fragile flowers, such as tulips. The machine consists of the patented Arnie tape mechanism in a electronic controlled slider. The taper moves parallel to the flower processing line with the same speed as the flowers while the bunch is being taped in two strokes. This results in a perfect binding. Next, the taper moves back to its startposition and is ready for the next bunch. For more information see the video.
Advantages of Potveer In line tape binding machine:
  • Tape instead of thin elastic: no constriction
  • Firm binding
  • Adjustable tape-tension
  • Name/information on the tape is possible
  • Two strokes in one cyclus
  • Silent
  • Maintenance free
Specifications Potveer In line taper:
  • Capacity: max. 1.900 bunches / hour
  • Two cycles around the bunch
  • Working pneumatically
  • Tape-tension adjustable
  • Taper mounted on a frame
  • PLC controlled
  • Executed with modem
  • Tapelength 1 roll: +/- 330 m
  • Compressed air: min. 65 l/min by 8 bar

Műszaki specifikációk::

Kiadási év:2006


Potveer flower bunching line with sponges, In-line tape binding machine and bunching conveyor. The Potveer In-line Taper is a device for quick and efficient taping of flowers, with or without a sleeve, in a flower processing line. The tape binding machine has been developed for the binding of fragile flowers, such as tulips. The machine consists of the patented Arnie tape mechanism in a electronic controlled slider. The taper moves parallel to the flower processing line with the same speed as the flowers while the bunch is being taped in two strokes. This results in a perfect binding. Next, the taper moves back to its startposition and is ready for the next bunch. For more information see the video.
Advantages of Potveer In line tape binding machine:
  • Tape instead of thin elastic: no constriction
  • Firm binding
  • Adjustable tape-tension
  • Name/information on the tape is possible
  • Two strokes in one cyclus
  • Silent
  • Maintenance free
Specifications Potveer In line taper:
  • Capacity: max. 1.900 bunches / hour
  • Two cycles around the bunch
  • Working pneumatically
  • Tape-tension adjustable
  • Taper mounted on a frame
  • PLC controlled
  • Executed with modem
  • Tapelength 1 roll: +/- 330 m
  • Compressed air: min. 65 l/min by 8 bar

Technical specifications:


Sűrített levegő: min. 65 l / perc 8 bar

Potveer virágszivacs fürtöző zsinór In-line kúpos zsinórral

Sajnos ez a Potveer virágszivacs fürtöző zsinór In-line kúpos zsinórral most elkelt.

Szeretne értesülni, ha elérhető lesz egy hasonló Virágfeldolgozó gépek? Itt töltse ki adatait.


Gyártási év

Kérem, hívjon Reinier

Boldogan segítünk Önnek. Ügyfélszolgálati munkatársaink várják a hívását.

ELÉRHETŐSÉGEINKHívjon minket: +31 180 632 088


Potveer flower bunching line with sponges, In-line tape binding machine and bunching conveyor. The Potveer In-line Taper is a device for quick and efficient taping of flowers, with or without a sleeve, in a flower processing line. The tape binding machine has been developed for the binding of fragile flowers, such as tulips. The machine consists of the patented Arnie tape mechanism in a electronic controlled slider. The taper moves parallel to the flower processing line with the same speed as the flowers while the bunch is being taped in two strokes. This results in a perfect binding. Next, the taper moves back to its startposition and is ready for the next bunch. For more information see the video.
Advantages of Potveer In line tape binding machine:
  • Tape instead of thin elastic: no constriction
  • Firm binding
  • Adjustable tape-tension
  • Name/information on the tape is possible
  • Two strokes in one cyclus
  • Silent
  • Maintenance free
Specifications Potveer In line taper:
  • Capacity: max. 1.900 bunches / hour
  • Two cycles around the bunch
  • Working pneumatically
  • Tape-tension adjustable
  • Taper mounted on a frame
  • PLC controlled
  • Executed with modem
  • Tapelength 1 roll: +/- 330 m
  • Compressed air: min. 65 l/min by 8 bar

Miért döntene a használt gép mellett?

  • Gyorsan elérhető
  • Kisebb beszerzési költség
  • Alacsonyabb amortizációs költség
  • Megegyező funkcionalitás
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