Süti beállítások
  • Minőségi gépek
  • Szakértő személyzet
  • Kiszállítás világszerte
  • 1977-óta
4.8 Google Reviews
Aweta szingelátor diabolo görgőkkel
Greefa A4-es almaminősítő
Stas Többsávos szállítószalag
Stas görgős válogatószalag gyümölcsért
Stas almának
645 x 60 cm, görgős szállítószalaggal 460 x 50 cm
Greefa ATB válogatógép almához és gyümölcshöz
Doboz billenős gyümölcs

Calibrex súlymérő citromhoz, sárgabarackhoz, szilvához és kivihöz

Figyelem: A gépre vonatkozó információk gépi fordítással készültek.


Calibrex súlymérő citromhoz, sárgabarackhoz, szilvához és kivihöz

Calibrex weight grader for lemons, apricot, plum, kiwi or other fruits

A supply belt brings the fruits to the round sorter. Each fruit passes an electronic weighing section, the measured weight determines at which exit the fruit is unloaded.

Via a simple sorting program it can be determined per weight class on which packing table it will be unloaded.

Minigram sorting machines are available in different versions and configurations to optimally meet specific requirements for a specific type of fruit. The Minigram is therefore suitable for sorting apricots, plums, kiwis, peaches, apples, (round) pears, tomatoes,

The unique shape and emptying of the carriers (patent CALIBREX) ensures a very fruit-friendly and exact sorting by weight. The bearing wheels under the carrier contribute to the low noise level, which further contributes to the pleasure of working with a Minigram sorting machine.

  • Sorting by weight (electronic with load cell)
  • Weighing range 20 - 2000 grams
  • Capacity; depending on the type of fruit; apricots ± 1200 kg / hour
  • Infeed conveyor adjustable with 2 steps
  • Packing trays
  • Dosing bin
  • Touchscreen operation

Műszaki specifikációk::

Típus:-Minigram 2
Kiadási év:2019


Calibrex weight grader for lemons, apricot, plum, kiwi or other fruits

A supply belt brings the fruits to the round sorter. Each fruit passes an electronic weighing section, the measured weight determines at which exit the fruit is unloaded.

Via a simple sorting program it can be determined per weight class on which packing table it will be unloaded.

Minigram sorting machines are available in different versions and configurations to optimally meet specific requirements for a specific type of fruit. The Minigram is therefore suitable for sorting apricots, plums, kiwis, peaches, apples, (round) pears, tomatoes,

The unique shape and emptying of the carriers (patent CALIBREX) ensures a very fruit-friendly and exact sorting by weight. The bearing wheels under the carrier contribute to the low noise level, which further contributes to the pleasure of working with a Minigram sorting machine.

  • Sorting by weight (electronic with load cell)
  • Weighing range 20 - 2000 grams
  • Capacity; depending on the type of fruit; apricots ± 1200 kg / hour
  • Infeed conveyor adjustable with 2 steps
  • Packing trays
  • Dosing bin
  • Touchscreen operation

Technical specifications:

Model:-Minigram 2

Calibrex súlymérő citromhoz, sárgabarackhoz, szilvához és kivihöz

Sajnos ez a Calibrex súlymérő citromhoz, sárgabarackhoz, szilvához és kivihöz most elkelt.

Szeretne értesülni, ha elérhető lesz egy hasonló Alma- és gyümölcsosztályozó gépek? Itt töltse ki adatait.


Kérem, hívjon Tatiana

Boldogan segítünk Önnek. Ügyfélszolgálati munkatársaink várják a hívását.

ELÉRHETŐSÉGEINKHívjon minket: +31 180 632 088


Calibrex weight grader for lemons, apricot, plum, kiwi or other fruits

A supply belt brings the fruits to the round sorter. Each fruit passes an electronic weighing section, the measured weight determines at which exit the fruit is unloaded.

Via a simple sorting program it can be determined per weight class on which packing table it will be unloaded.

Minigram sorting machines are available in different versions and configurations to optimally meet specific requirements for a specific type of fruit. The Minigram is therefore suitable for sorting apricots, plums, kiwis, peaches, apples, (round) pears, tomatoes,

The unique shape and emptying of the carriers (patent CALIBREX) ensures a very fruit-friendly and exact sorting by weight. The bearing wheels under the carrier contribute to the low noise level, which further contributes to the pleasure of working with a Minigram sorting machine.

  • Sorting by weight (electronic with load cell)
  • Weighing range 20 - 2000 grams
  • Capacity; depending on the type of fruit; apricots ± 1200 kg / hour
  • Infeed conveyor adjustable with 2 steps
  • Packing trays
  • Dosing bin
  • Touchscreen operation

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