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Minőségi gépek
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  • Minőségi gépek
  • Szakértő személyzet
  • Kiszállítás világszerte
  • 1977-óta
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Heto H14 potting machine with potdispenser

Figyelem: A gépre vonatkozó információk gépi fordítással készültek.


Heto H14 potting machine with potdispenser

Heto / Gregoire H14 potting machine with double potdispenser 

The Heto potting machine is suitable for practically all cultures (pot plants, flower bulbs, shrubs, nursery stock, perennials, etc.). The machine is also suitable for many different soil types (also fibrous and compact soils).

This potting machine is standard equipped with 4 wheels. This allows the machine to be placed wherever desired. The speed of the soil supply belt inside the machine is adjustable.

  • Suitable for pots from 9 up to 20 cm with the right potholders
  • Suitable for practically all cultures and soil types
  • Equipped with 2 wheels and 2 swivel wheels
  • Equipped with 3 electro motors
  • 1 set pot holders 9 cm single and double
  • Pot chain is recently renewed

* Soil elevator is in a bad condition


Műszaki specifikációk::



Heto / Gregoire H14 potting machine with double potdispenser 

The Heto potting machine is suitable for practically all cultures (pot plants, flower bulbs, shrubs, nursery stock, perennials, etc.). The machine is also suitable for many different soil types (also fibrous and compact soils).

This potting machine is standard equipped with 4 wheels. This allows the machine to be placed wherever desired. The speed of the soil supply belt inside the machine is adjustable.

  • Suitable for pots from 9 up to 20 cm with the right potholders
  • Suitable for practically all cultures and soil types
  • Equipped with 2 wheels and 2 swivel wheels
  • Equipped with 3 electro motors
  • 1 set pot holders 9 cm single and double
  • Pot chain is recently renewed

* Soil elevator is in a bad condition


Technical specifications:


380 volt

Heto H14 potting machine with potdispenser

Sajnos ez a Heto H14 potting machine with potdispenser most elkelt.

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Kérem, hívjon Bas

Boldogan segítünk Önnek. Ügyfélszolgálati munkatársaink várják a hívását.

ELÉRHETŐSÉGEINKHívjon minket: +31 180 632 088


Heto / Gregoire H14 potting machine with double potdispenser 

The Heto potting machine is suitable for practically all cultures (pot plants, flower bulbs, shrubs, nursery stock, perennials, etc.). The machine is also suitable for many different soil types (also fibrous and compact soils).

This potting machine is standard equipped with 4 wheels. This allows the machine to be placed wherever desired. The speed of the soil supply belt inside the machine is adjustable.

  • Suitable for pots from 9 up to 20 cm with the right potholders
  • Suitable for practically all cultures and soil types
  • Equipped with 2 wheels and 2 swivel wheels
  • Equipped with 3 electro motors
  • 1 set pot holders 9 cm single and double
  • Pot chain is recently renewed

* Soil elevator is in a bad condition

Miért döntene a használt gép mellett?

  • Gyorsan elérhető
  • Kisebb beszerzési költség
  • Alacsonyabb amortizációs költség
  • Megegyező funkcionalitás
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