Süti beállítások
  • Minőségi gépek
  • Szakértő személyzet
  • Kiszállítás világszerte
  • 1977-óta
4.8 Google Reviews
Hak sorközművelő kultivátor
Halmec sorközművelő kultivátor
Steketee ic-weeder
Verhoest sorközművelő kultivátor
Verhoest sorközművelő kultivátor
Porreau sorközművelő kultivátor
Maréchal gyomirtó gép 8 soros 600 cm
Maréchal gyomirtó gép 8 soros 600 cm
Baekelandt sorközművelő kultivátor 5 sorral

Struik WeedFix hidraulikus gyomirtó

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Struik WeedFix 1
Struik WeedFix 3
struik weedfix
Figyelem: A gépre vonatkozó információk gépi fordítással készültek.

Érvek és ellenérvek

  • Egyedülálló alkalom


Struik WeedFix hidraulikus gyomirtó

Struik WeedFix hydraulic rotating weeder. Struik WeedFix is specially develloped for the removal of weeds. This machine is the hydraulically driven version, and is suitable for weed control in any type of soil and can be attached to either the front or back of the tractor. The frame units are connected via a parallelogram suspension to ensure optimal ground following. Tine holders of a patented design allow fine adjustment of the working diameter from 150 mm to 330 mm. This makes it possible to come extremely close to the plant/crop. Weeds in the soil between the rows are loosened and the soil is moved towards the crop. This ridging covers the weeds with soil, smothering them without damaging the crop. During the process the plants are protected by adjustable foliage protection plates. The Struik WeedFix can be used for: broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leeks, beets, sugar beets and many other crops, in rows or beds. Advantages of the Struik WeedFix are:
  • Depth adjustment wheels allow fine adjustment of the working depth.
  • Weed control between and in the rows.
  • Adjustable.
  • Driving speed approx. 7 km per hour.
  • Suitable for every type of soil.
  • Extremely maintenance-friendly.

Műszaki specifikációk::

Típus:SWF 3000
Kiadási év:2004


Struik WeedFix hydraulic rotating weeder. Struik WeedFix is specially develloped for the removal of weeds. This machine is the hydraulically driven version, and is suitable for weed control in any type of soil and can be attached to either the front or back of the tractor. The frame units are connected via a parallelogram suspension to ensure optimal ground following. Tine holders of a patented design allow fine adjustment of the working diameter from 150 mm to 330 mm. This makes it possible to come extremely close to the plant/crop. Weeds in the soil between the rows are loosened and the soil is moved towards the crop. This ridging covers the weeds with soil, smothering them without damaging the crop. During the process the plants are protected by adjustable foliage protection plates. The Struik WeedFix can be used for: broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leeks, beets, sugar beets and many other crops, in rows or beds. Advantages of the Struik WeedFix are:
  • Depth adjustment wheels allow fine adjustment of the working depth.
  • Weed control between and in the rows.
  • Adjustable.
  • Driving speed approx. 7 km per hour.
  • Suitable for every type of soil.
  • Extremely maintenance-friendly.

Technical specifications:

Model:SWF 3000

Struik WeedFix hidraulikus gyomirtó

Sajnos ez a Struik WeedFix hidraulikus gyomirtó most elkelt.

Szeretne értesülni, ha elérhető lesz egy hasonló Sorközművelő kultivátorok? Itt töltse ki adatait.


SWF 3000
Gyártási év

Kérem, hívjon Ray

Boldogan segítünk Önnek. Ügyfélszolgálati munkatársaink várják a hívását.

ELÉRHETŐSÉGEINKHívjon minket: +31 180 632 088


Struik WeedFix hydraulic rotating weeder. Struik WeedFix is specially develloped for the removal of weeds. This machine is the hydraulically driven version, and is suitable for weed control in any type of soil and can be attached to either the front or back of the tractor. The frame units are connected via a parallelogram suspension to ensure optimal ground following. Tine holders of a patented design allow fine adjustment of the working diameter from 150 mm to 330 mm. This makes it possible to come extremely close to the plant/crop. Weeds in the soil between the rows are loosened and the soil is moved towards the crop. This ridging covers the weeds with soil, smothering them without damaging the crop. During the process the plants are protected by adjustable foliage protection plates. The Struik WeedFix can be used for: broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leeks, beets, sugar beets and many other crops, in rows or beds. Advantages of the Struik WeedFix are:
  • Depth adjustment wheels allow fine adjustment of the working depth.
  • Weed control between and in the rows.
  • Adjustable.
  • Driving speed approx. 7 km per hour.
  • Suitable for every type of soil.
  • Extremely maintenance-friendly.

Miért döntene a használt gép mellett?

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