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Visser Pic-O-Mat PC-11 transzplantátor cserepekbe dugható

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Visser Pic-O-Mat PC-11 transzplantátor cserepekbe dugható

Visser Pic-O-Mat PC-11 with 2 planters  with 4 grippers/fingers automatic transplanting machine In good working conditionCompletely checked and serviced  by  Visser
  • Transplanter can be used in combination with a wide range of potting machines and or a Visser planting belt.
  • For planting direct in pots or with the optional planting belt, in trays.
  • Equipped with 2 transplanting units with 4 fingers
  • The programming of the different planting programs can be done on site by the operator.
  • Several settings can be changed while the machine is in operation, such as: picking height of the grippers, planting height of the grippers and the speed of the machine.
  • Easy to change to different planting programs, with hardly no downtime.
  • No mechanical change over.
  • There is a maximum of 50 plug trays and 50 pots that can be stored in the memory of the computer and with a maximum of 100 combinations.
  • For a more gentle approach of the plants and to reduce the damage to the plants, the grippers beams are equipped with a side shift.
  • Grippers are suitable to pick up a wide variety of plants. And in a big range of plug sizes.
  • Gripper are easy to adjust to different plug sizes and gripping pressure.
  • No push up system needed.
  • Capacity of up to 3.500 plants per hour, depending on the  number of grippers used, plug size, pot size, plant height, travel height of the gripper, plant species, root development, number of plants per pot and speed of the potting machine.
Play the movie of this machine Technical specifications of Visser Pic-O-Mat:
  • Total kVA : 6 kVA
  • Total air consumption : 200 litre per minute
  • Number of trays in buffer : 5 (plus 2 in machine)
  • Total number of planting combinations that can be stored in the program : 100
  • Maximum tray size : 600 x 400 mm.
  • Maximim pot size : Depending on the potting machine being used.
  • Plug sizes : Small
  • Sized gripper : for plug sizes from 10mm up to 30mm in diameter. Even bigger plants can be picked up when the plant allows the needles to be at a circle of 30mm.

Műszaki specifikációk::

Kiadási év:2004


Visser Pic-O-Mat PC-11 with 2 planters  with 4 grippers/fingers automatic transplanting machine In good working conditionCompletely checked and serviced  by  Visser
  • Transplanter can be used in combination with a wide range of potting machines and or a Visser planting belt.
  • For planting direct in pots or with the optional planting belt, in trays.
  • Equipped with 2 transplanting units with 4 fingers
  • The programming of the different planting programs can be done on site by the operator.
  • Several settings can be changed while the machine is in operation, such as: picking height of the grippers, planting height of the grippers and the speed of the machine.
  • Easy to change to different planting programs, with hardly no downtime.
  • No mechanical change over.
  • There is a maximum of 50 plug trays and 50 pots that can be stored in the memory of the computer and with a maximum of 100 combinations.
  • For a more gentle approach of the plants and to reduce the damage to the plants, the grippers beams are equipped with a side shift.
  • Grippers are suitable to pick up a wide variety of plants. And in a big range of plug sizes.
  • Gripper are easy to adjust to different plug sizes and gripping pressure.
  • No push up system needed.
  • Capacity of up to 3.500 plants per hour, depending on the  number of grippers used, plug size, pot size, plant height, travel height of the gripper, plant species, root development, number of plants per pot and speed of the potting machine.
Play the movie of this machine Technical specifications of Visser Pic-O-Mat:
  • Total kVA : 6 kVA
  • Total air consumption : 200 litre per minute
  • Number of trays in buffer : 5 (plus 2 in machine)
  • Total number of planting combinations that can be stored in the program : 100
  • Maximum tray size : 600 x 400 mm.
  • Maximim pot size : Depending on the potting machine being used.
  • Plug sizes : Small
  • Sized gripper : for plug sizes from 10mm up to 30mm in diameter. Even bigger plants can be picked up when the plant allows the needles to be at a circle of 30mm.

Technical specifications:


Visser Pic-O-Mat PC-11 transzplantátor cserepekbe dugható

Sajnos ez a Visser Pic-O-Mat PC-11 transzplantátor cserepekbe dugható most elkelt.

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Gyártási év

Kérem, hívjon Tatiana

Boldogan segítünk Önnek. Ügyfélszolgálati munkatársaink várják a hívását.

ELÉRHETŐSÉGEINKHívjon minket: +31 180 632 088


Visser Pic-O-Mat PC-11 with 2 planters  with 4 grippers/fingers automatic transplanting machine In good working conditionCompletely checked and serviced  by  Visser
  • Transplanter can be used in combination with a wide range of potting machines and or a Visser planting belt.
  • For planting direct in pots or with the optional planting belt, in trays.
  • Equipped with 2 transplanting units with 4 fingers
  • The programming of the different planting programs can be done on site by the operator.
  • Several settings can be changed while the machine is in operation, such as: picking height of the grippers, planting height of the grippers and the speed of the machine.
  • Easy to change to different planting programs, with hardly no downtime.
  • No mechanical change over.
  • There is a maximum of 50 plug trays and 50 pots that can be stored in the memory of the computer and with a maximum of 100 combinations.
  • For a more gentle approach of the plants and to reduce the damage to the plants, the grippers beams are equipped with a side shift.
  • Grippers are suitable to pick up a wide variety of plants. And in a big range of plug sizes.
  • Gripper are easy to adjust to different plug sizes and gripping pressure.
  • No push up system needed.
  • Capacity of up to 3.500 plants per hour, depending on the  number of grippers used, plug size, pot size, plant height, travel height of the gripper, plant species, root development, number of plants per pot and speed of the potting machine.
Play the movie of this machine Technical specifications of Visser Pic-O-Mat:
  • Total kVA : 6 kVA
  • Total air consumption : 200 litre per minute
  • Number of trays in buffer : 5 (plus 2 in machine)
  • Total number of planting combinations that can be stored in the program : 100
  • Maximum tray size : 600 x 400 mm.
  • Maximim pot size : Depending on the potting machine being used.
  • Plug sizes : Small
  • Sized gripper : for plug sizes from 10mm up to 30mm in diameter. Even bigger plants can be picked up when the plant allows the needles to be at a circle of 30mm.

Miért döntene a használt gép mellett?

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