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  • Depuis 1977
4.8 Google Reviews
Convoyeur à rouleaux 175 x 33,5 cm
Taks élévateurs de caisses concombres
Convoyeur à rouleaux 95 x 30 cm
Inter system convoyeur à rouleaux 180 x 30 cm
Convoyeurs à rouleaux
Table de convoyage à rouleaux
Convoyeur à rouleaux 65 x 47 cm
Viscon Convoyeur à rouleaux 115 x 40 cm
645 x 60 cm, avec convoyeur à rouleaux 460 x 50 cm

Convoyeur de rouleaux avec courbe 90°

Prix très compétitif

Avantages et inconvénients

  • Prix très compétitif


Convoyeur de rouleaux avec courbe 90°

Driven Roller conveyor curve 

  • 90°
  • Width 70 cm
  • Adjustable speed by bluetooth inverter from the company Lenze
    • Only compatible with Android or PC (subscription needed)
    • Compatible with bluetooth and NFC (Near Field Communication)

Hold your phone within 2 cm from the inverter to connect your phone with NFC with the inverter, or use bluetooth on your Android smartphone, to connect to the inverter. Once connected with your smartphone you just need to turn of the power supply to the motor and then you can easily adjust the speed of the conveyor from 20 'till 103 rounds per minute.

* For using the inverter additional power supply and power cables are needed

Spécification techniques:

Modèle :90°
Dimensions :70 cm (Largeur)


Driven Roller conveyor curve 

  • 90°
  • Width 70 cm
  • Adjustable speed by bluetooth inverter from the company Lenze
    • Only compatible with Android or PC (subscription needed)
    • Compatible with bluetooth and NFC (Near Field Communication)

Hold your phone within 2 cm from the inverter to connect your phone with NFC with the inverter, or use bluetooth on your Android smartphone, to connect to the inverter. Once connected with your smartphone you just need to turn of the power supply to the motor and then you can easily adjust the speed of the conveyor from 20 'till 103 rounds per minute.

* For using the inverter additional power supply and power cables are needed

Technical specifications:

Dimensions:70 cm (width)

Convoyeur de rouleaux avec courbe 90°

Malheureusement, ce Convoyeur de rouleaux avec courbe 90° est maintenant vendu.

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Type de convoyeur

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Contact directContactez-nous : +31 180 632 088


Driven Roller conveyor curve 

  • 90°
  • Width 70 cm
  • Adjustable speed by bluetooth inverter from the company Lenze
    • Only compatible with Android or PC (subscription needed)
    • Compatible with bluetooth and NFC (Near Field Communication)

Hold your phone within 2 cm from the inverter to connect your phone with NFC with the inverter, or use bluetooth on your Android smartphone, to connect to the inverter. Once connected with your smartphone you just need to turn of the power supply to the motor and then you can easily adjust the speed of the conveyor from 20 'till 103 rounds per minute.

* For using the inverter additional power supply and power cables are needed

Donc machines d'occasion

  • Disponible rapidement
  • Coûts d'achat réduits
  • Moins d'amortissement
  • Même fonctionnalité