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ARC contraignant machine.

Prix sur demande



ARC contraignant machine.

ARC contraignant machine


Spécification techniques:

Moteur :230 volt


ARC binding machine

  • 230 Volt
  • 50 Hz
  • Machine in good condition, did less then 50.000 bunches
  • From first owner

ARC elastic binding machines are suitable for binding all sorts of flowers. The binding machine can be used universally, whether it be for tulips, roses or any other type. The elastic can be bound from very tightly to very loosely. The flower binding machine can be supplied as a stand-alone unit or it can be installed in a flower processing line or chrysanthemum harvester.

The elastic binding machine starts working when the product to be bound is pulled across the table top. This operates the switch. The bunch of flowers is lain up against the pre-stressed binding material and the cord is put around the bundle by the machine. The ends of the elastic are knotted under the table and then cut off. The binding machine is immediately ready for the next cycle. Binding is fast and always at the same adjustable tension. The binding time is less than 1 second.

As well as bunches of flowers and fresh bouquets, these elastic binding machines can also be used to bind leeks, asparagus,cables, hoses, textiles, printing work and other small products with elastic.


Technical specifications:

Motor:230 volt

ARC contraignant machine.

Malheureusement, ce ARC contraignant machine. est maintenant vendu.

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ARC contraignant machine

Donc machines d'occasion

  • Disponible rapidement
  • Coûts d'achat réduits
  • Moins d'amortissement
  • Même fonctionnalité
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