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Perdu repiqueuse/planteuse 2 rangées avec bac à engrais en acier inoxydable

Prix sur demande

Seulement 1
Perdu planting machine 2 rows with stainless steel fertilizer bin
Super occasion
Perdu planting machine 2 rows with stainless steel fertilizer bin
Perdu planting machine 2 rows with stainless steel fertilizer bin
Perdu planting machine 2 rows with stainless steel fertilizer bin
Perdu planting machine 2 rows with stainless steel fertilizer bin
Perdu planting machine 2 rows with stainless steel fertilizer bin
Perdu planting machine 2 rows with stainless steel fertilizer bin
Perdu type

Avantages et inconvénients

  • Super occasion


Perdu repiqueuse/planteuse 2 rangées avec bac à engrais en acier inoxydable

Perdu 2 row planting machine for soilblocks and trayplants

  • With 4 cups /element
  • Stainless steel fertilizer

Planting distance Perdu planting machines

Number of teeth / gear              Number of planting tubes 

Bottom          Top                     6             5                  4             3

28                  28                                                          32

30                  28                                                          35          

30                  27                                                          36

30                  26                                                          37

30                  25                                                          38

36                  30                                                          39          

30                  24                                                          40                          

30                  23                                                          41

36                  28                           28           34           42           56

36                  27                           29           35           43           57

36                  26                           30           36           45           60

36                  25                           31           37           46           62

36                  24                           32.5        39           49           65

36                  23                           33                           51           68

36                  22                           35                           53           70


                                                      Planting distance in cm


Spécification techniques:

ConditionUtilisé, vérifié par ses propres mécaniciens
Année :1995
Dimensions du transport :155 cm x 230 cm x 235 cm (Longueur x Largeur x Hauteur)
Poids transporté :750kg
Convient aux options suivantes : :en plateaux (speedies), blocs plantes de sol
Convient pour la plantation en papillote :Non
Distance minimale de plantation dans le rang (en cm) :32
Dimensions appropriées (pour les blocs de terre) :jusqu'à 6 cm
Distance minimale entre les rangs (cm) :55


Perdu 2 row planting machine for soilblocks and trayplants

  • With 4 cups /element
  • Stainless steel fertilizer

Planting distance Perdu planting machines

Number of teeth / gear              Number of planting tubes 

Bottom          Top                     6             5                  4             3

28                  28                                                          32

30                  28                                                          35          

30                  27                                                          36

30                  26                                                          37

30                  25                                                          38

36                  30                                                          39          

30                  24                                                          40                          

30                  23                                                          41

36                  28                           28           34           42           56

36                  27                           29           35           43           57

36                  26                           30           36           45           60

36                  25                           31           37           46           62

36                  24                           32.5        39           49           65

36                  23                           33                           51           68

36                  22                           35                           53           70


                                                      Planting distance in cm


Technical specifications:

ConditionUtilisé, vérifié par ses propres mécaniciens
Transport dimensions:155 cm x 230 cm x 235 cm (length x width x height)
Transport weight:750kg
Suitable for the following options::tray plants (speedies), soil blocks
Suitable for planting in foil:No
Minimum planting distance in the row (in cm):32
Suitable measurements (for soil blocks):up to 6 cm
Minimum distance between the rows (cm):55

Perdu repiqueuse/planteuse 2 rangées avec bac à engrais en acier inoxydable

Prix sur demande

Seulement 1
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Perdu 2 row planting machine for soilblocks and trayplants

  • With 4 cups /element
  • Stainless steel fertilizer

Planting distance Perdu planting machines

Number of teeth / gear              Number of planting tubes 

Bottom          Top                     6             5                  4             3

28                  28                                                          32

30                  28                                                          35          

30                  27                                                          36

30                  26                                                          37

30                  25                                                          38

36                  30                                                          39          

30                  24                                                          40                          

30                  23                                                          41

36                  28                           28           34           42           56

36                  27                           29           35           43           57

36                  26                           30           36           45           60

36                  25                           31           37           46           62

36                  24                           32.5        39           49           65

36                  23                           33                           51           68

36                  22                           35                           53           70


                                                      Planting distance in cm

Donc machines d'occasion

  • Disponible rapidement
  • Coûts d'achat réduits
  • Moins d'amortissement
  • Même fonctionnalité
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