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4.8 Google Reviews
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Newtec machine de pesage

Prix sur demande

Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine
Newtec weighing machine


Newtec machine de pesage

Newtec multihead weighing machine

14 head weighing and counting machine


  • Jasa dosing conveyor with three compartments
  • Jasa supply conveyor with three compartments

Optional with this machine:

  • Jasa vertical flowpacker (Has also been used in combination with this machine at the previous owner)

Machines come from the first owner and are used for weighing peppers. The machines can also be used for weighing and packaging of (meat) tomatoes, citrus fruits, avocados, potatoes, flower bulbs and onions.


Spécification techniques:

Modèle :h2014D
Année :2013
Dimensions du transport :1360 cm x 240 cm x 200 cm (Longueur x Largeur x Hauteur)


Newtec multihead weighing machine

14 head weighing and counting machine


  • Jasa dosing conveyor with three compartments
  • Jasa supply conveyor with three compartments

Optional with this machine:

  • Jasa vertical flowpacker (Has also been used in combination with this machine at the previous owner)

Machines come from the first owner and are used for weighing peppers. The machines can also be used for weighing and packaging of (meat) tomatoes, citrus fruits, avocados, potatoes, flower bulbs and onions.


Technical specifications:

Transport dimensions:1360 cm x 240 cm x 200 cm (length x width x height)

Newtec machine de pesage

Malheureusement, ce Newtec machine de pesage est maintenant vendu.

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Contact directContactez-nous : +31 180 632 088


Newtec multihead weighing machine

14 head weighing and counting machine


  • Jasa dosing conveyor with three compartments
  • Jasa supply conveyor with three compartments

Optional with this machine:

  • Jasa vertical flowpacker (Has also been used in combination with this machine at the previous owner)

Machines come from the first owner and are used for weighing peppers. The machines can also be used for weighing and packaging of (meat) tomatoes, citrus fruits, avocados, potatoes, flower bulbs and onions.

Donc machines d'occasion

  • Disponible rapidement
  • Coûts d'achat réduits
  • Moins d'amortissement
  • Même fonctionnalité
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