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Taks elevadores de cajas pepinos
Taks elevadore de cajas pepinos
Taks elevadore de cajas pepinos
Vito elevadore de cajas pepinos
Taks TTS 8213

Taks sistema de descarga completamente automático para desapilar cajas de carros de raíles tubulares para tomates en rama con estación de pesaje

Precio de venta



Taks sistema de descarga completamente automático para desapilar cajas de carros de raíles tubulares para tomates en rama con estación de pesaje

Taks fully automatic unloading system for destacking boxes from pipe rail trolleys for vine tomatoes.
Complete with 3 weighing stations, discharge conveyors and 25 Taks harvesting trolleys

  • Automatic puller for the pipe rail trolleys
  • Pusher for unloading of the boxes from the picking trolleys
  • Crane for destacking of the boxes
  • 3 Weighing stations with scales
  • Discharge conveyors from the weighing stations to supply for example a palletizer (palletizer is not included) 
  • 25 Taks harvesting trolleys of 160 cm long for 42,5 cm pipe rails (centre to centre)
  • Suitable for plastic and cardboard boxes of +/- 40 x 30 cm

Other than vine tomatoes this unloading and weighing system can also be used for boxes with other fruit or vegetables, such as strawberries or long or spicy peppers.

See the video!


Especificaciones técnicas:

Dimensiones de transporte:2400 cm x 240 cm (Longitud x Anchura)


Taks fully automatic unloading system for destacking boxes from pipe rail trolleys for vine tomatoes.
Complete with 3 weighing stations, discharge conveyors and 25 Taks harvesting trolleys

  • Automatic puller for the pipe rail trolleys
  • Pusher for unloading of the boxes from the picking trolleys
  • Crane for destacking of the boxes
  • 3 Weighing stations with scales
  • Discharge conveyors from the weighing stations to supply for example a palletizer (palletizer is not included) 
  • 25 Taks harvesting trolleys of 160 cm long for 42,5 cm pipe rails (centre to centre)
  • Suitable for plastic and cardboard boxes of +/- 40 x 30 cm

Other than vine tomatoes this unloading and weighing system can also be used for boxes with other fruit or vegetables, such as strawberries or long or spicy peppers.

See the video!


Technical specifications:

Transport dimensions:2400 cm x 240 cm (length x width)

Taks sistema de descarga completamente automático para desapilar cajas de carros de raíles tubulares para tomates en rama con estación de pesaje

Desafortunadamente, este Taks sistema de descarga completamente automático para desapilar cajas de carros de raíles tubulares para tomates en rama con estación de pesaje ya se ha vendido.

¿Le gustaría que le mantuviéramos informado cuando esté disponible una Elevadores de cajas comparable? Complete sus datos aquí.

Precio de venta


Por favor contactar Tatiana

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Contacto directoLlámenos: +31 180 632 088


Taks fully automatic unloading system for destacking boxes from pipe rail trolleys for vine tomatoes.
Complete with 3 weighing stations, discharge conveyors and 25 Taks harvesting trolleys

  • Automatic puller for the pipe rail trolleys
  • Pusher for unloading of the boxes from the picking trolleys
  • Crane for destacking of the boxes
  • 3 Weighing stations with scales
  • Discharge conveyors from the weighing stations to supply for example a palletizer (palletizer is not included) 
  • 25 Taks harvesting trolleys of 160 cm long for 42,5 cm pipe rails (centre to centre)
  • Suitable for plastic and cardboard boxes of +/- 40 x 30 cm

Other than vine tomatoes this unloading and weighing system can also be used for boxes with other fruit or vegetables, such as strawberries or long or spicy peppers.

See the video!

Por esto máquinas de segunda

  • Disponible rápidamente
  • Costos de compra más bajos
  • Menos amortización
  • Misma funcionalidad
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