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Used Roller inspection conveyors

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  • Since 1977

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About second-hand Roller inspection conveyors

Roller inspection conveyors are used to detect inferior-quality products. The rollers ensure that the potatoes, onions, or Brussels sprouts, rotate on the conveyor. This makes it possible to inspect fruit or vegetables on all sides on irregularities. As a result, products of an inferior quality are removed from the batch and only the good vegetables remain.

The roller inspection conveyor can be used to inspect various types of round or oval products. Such roller inspection conveyors are often used for potatoes and sweet potatoes, onions, red beets, Brussels sprouts, sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, citrus fruits, oranges, apples, nectarines, peaches, avocados and mangoes. When grading apples and pears, the rollers are often replaced with shafts with discs. These type of inspection conveyors like these are also called rotary disc conveyors. Roller inspection conveyors are often part of a grading or packaging line and are often placed in front of the grading or packaging machine.

Seated or standing position at a roller inspection conveyor

Roller inspection conveyors are available in models that can be used seated or standing. The rollers of a standing model are generally slightly higher. A typical feature of a seated roller inspection conveyors is that the return rollers are positioned lower to create a space between the lower and upper row of rollers for the feet of the person sitting at the conveyor. The advantage of seated picking off is that the worker is closer to the product, making the process more comfortable.

Controlling the rotation speed of the rollers

The rollers of an inspection conveyor can be driven in various ways in terms of rotation. If the rollers run over a fixed plate or strip, the rotation speed is not adjustable in relation to the forward movement. If the rollers run over a driven belt whose speed is adjustable (belt guidance), the rotation speed of the rollers can be adjusted in relation to the forward speed. The advantage of being able to control the rotation speed is that you can accelerate or decelerate the flow of products.

Inspection cubicle with a roller inspection conveyor

Would you like to inspect your potatoes or onions in a comfortable, warm and dust-free environment? Place your roller inspection conveyor in a soundproofed and heated inspection cubicle. This can be created by placing walls around the inspection conveyor. The installation of an overpressure system reduces the amount of dust in the cubicle.

Automatic optical quality grading machine

Are you tired of manually inspection your fruit and vegetables? Optical grading machines can grade products according to quality or defect. Unfortunately, these are not always 100% accurate. As a result, some firms use a roller inspection conveyor after optical grading.

View our current offering of new and used inspection conveyors for fruit and vegetables on this page. Do you have any questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.