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Used Inter row rotovators

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About second-hand Inter row rotovators

Weeds in the rows can be combated in a biological fashion using an interrow rotovator with multiple rotovators. The inter row rotovator can also be used if the weeds are tall or close together. An additional advantage of an inter row rotovator is that rotovating between the rows also improves the soil structure so that the crop will grow quicker. The furrow cutter can be used from the germination stage up to the moment that damage can be done to the crop.

Furrow distance

The ridging rotovators on the frame of a furrow cutter are usually freely adjustable. This makes the interrow rotovator easy to adjust to your cultivation interval. Be aware that each row interval requires its own ridging rotovator. With a minimum row interval of 30 cm. In most cases the width of the ridging rotovator can also be adjusted slightly. Find out the exact options for each machine.

Adjusting inter row rotovator

Depending on the amount and size of the weeds, find a good combination between rotational speed and travelling speed so that the weeds are properly uprooted. The working depth is 2 to 3 cm. Working too deep gives new germination of weeds more chance. Additionally there is a chance of root damage when rotovating too close to the crop row. A capacity of 0.75 ha per hour is reached at a speed of 3 – 7 km and a working width of 3 metres. Only a few demands are made on the seed or plant bed when using an interrow rotovator. The only time it cannot be used is when the soil is too wet.

You will find an overview below of the second-hand inter row rotovators from Breviglieri, Badalini and Comeb that Duijndam Machines has for sale at the moment. Discuss your requirements with our expert staff and receive personal advice!