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Used machines for Tree nursery

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About second-hand machines for Tree nursery

Tree nurseries grow different types of trees and plants such as avenue trees, forest trees, ornamental shrubs, conifers, fruit trees, perennials, Christmas trees and roses. They use a diversity of cultivation methods. Some plants are grown in the open field and others in pots in container fields. The plants can be sold in pots, with a root ball or with bare roots. Machines are available for every cultivation method to mechanise the process, partially or entirely. This enables tree growers to plant, care for, dig up and transport large quantities of trees and plants in relatively little time.

More information on various tree nursery machines can be found below.

Planters for tree nurseries

One of the following types of planting machines is often used for outdoor crops.

  • Disc planters: suitable for planting small trees and rootstocks.
  • Trench planting machines: for large trees, olive, almond and fruit trees, rootstocks, spindles and conifers.
  • Hole drilling machines: for drilling plant holes.

Planting robots and potting machines

Planting robots have been in development since 2000 and are being constantly improved. These robots work best with uniform plants and under uniform conditions. However, the product range of many tree nurseries consists of a variety of species, in which differences in size or planting method may apply. In practice, we see that plants are frequently potted on a potting machine manually due to the considerable variety in species at many tree farms.

Weed control machines

Tree and perennial plant growers who cultivate their products in the open field use different types of equipment, such as hoeing machines, inter row rotavators, weeding machines and inter row spraying machines. Growers of potted plants (bark), on the other hand, use bark spreading machines and spray trucks with booms to control weeds. Before delivering the plants, the pots can be cleared of moss and other dirt using a pot-washing machine.

Pruning machines

Various cutting machines are available for pruning plants and trees. There are pruning machines for boxwoods, laurels and yews, which can prune them into spheres or cones. Taller trees are pruned manually and tied up using an aerial platform, also known as a pruning platform.

Harvesting machines for plants and trees

Trees and plants can be uprooted flexibly, quickly, satisfactory and at a favourable price with a suitable uprooting machine. Almost every tree breeder and grower has different requirements when it comes to harvesters. A distinction can be made between the following types of tree harvesting machines.

Machines that harvest trees with a root ball

  • Root ball digging machines: for the automatic or semi-automatic digging up of conifers, Christmas trees, yews, beeches, boxwood and laurels.
  • Root ball harvesters: these can be mounted behind a tractor, on a crane or independently on caterpillar tracks (e.g. Pazzaglia and Holmac machines).

After harvesting, the trees’ root balls can be netted by a netting machine.

Machines that harvest trees without a root ball

  • Undercutter with winch: for the effective clearing of avenue trees, conifers and forsythias.
  • Side lifter: for clearing higher trees located adjacent to the tractor.
  • Select-harvesting machines: to harvest customised orders.       
  • Clamp harvester: for lifting seedlings, spindles and fruit trees.
  • Shaking lifters: available with or without movable blade.
  • Bed harvesting machines: for unloading directly into a cubic box or onto a wagon. Can be used for strawberry plants, asparagus plants, perennials and certain types of nursery plants.

Internal transport systems for tree nurseries

Trees and plants are transported internally in tree nurseries on transport trucks, forklift trucks, buffer belts and conveyor belts.

Manufacturers of machines for tree nurseries are Damcon, Lommers, Ezendam, Schrauwen, Basrijs, Elco, Javo and Martin Stolze.

Can’t find the used tree nursery machine you are looking for on our website right now? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We will inform you when the right machine comes in.