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BTM T 124 Erntemaschine und Verarbeitungsmaschine für Chrysantheme

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BTM chrysantenbosmachine T124 (1)
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BTM chrysantenbosmachine T124 (1)
BTM chrysantenbosmachine T124 (2)

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BTM T 124 Erntemaschine und Verarbeitungsmaschine für Chrysantheme

BTM T-124 Erntemaschine und Verarbeitungsmaschine für Chrysantheme mit Förderband und Haken.

Klicken Sie hier, um ein Video zu sehen, während wir die Maschine testen.


Technische Spezifikationen:

Modell:BTM T124


BTM T124 harvesting and processing machine for cut flowers (Chrysanthemum) on the path with a harvesting conveyor 

Complete with:

  • Harvesting conveyor (with electro motor to move in and out on the mono rail) +/- 38 meter
  • Scissor cutters
  • Cyklop binding machine

The need for faster and better methods to process chrysanthemum flowers has resulted in further development of the BTM T124. The completely renewed 124 combines high productivity with flexibility concerning flowers to be processed.

Click here to see a video while we test the machine.


The BTM T124 consists of a supply belt and a movable bunching machine. Because of the compact design and the foldaway collecting belt the machine can easily be installed in front of the to be harvested flowerbed. The height of the machine can be adjusted and it can move sideways, using the swivel castors. The production capacity can amount up to 3.000 bunches an hour. This depends on the processing length of the stems. The lightweight supply belt is tailor made and easily modified if necessary


Because of contact less switches and frequency regulated motors the BTM T124 is a very silent machine.


By standard a new-developed unger is fitted to the system. Flowers can be harvested with the root if desired. The shredder mashes the roots with pieces of stems and leaves, to approximately a third of the original volume.


Technical specifications:

Model:BTM T124

BTM T 124 Erntemaschine und Verarbeitungsmaschine für Chrysantheme

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BTM T124

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BTM T-124 Erntemaschine und Verarbeitungsmaschine für Chrysantheme mit Förderband und Haken.

Klicken Sie hier, um ein Video zu sehen, während wir die Maschine testen.

Daher gebrauchte Maschinen

  • Schnell verfügbar
  • Niedrigere Anschaffungskosten
  • Weniger Amortisation
  • Gleiche Funktionalität
Cyklop Axro FQC2 TS
Bercomex APVR Eimer Füllmaschine
Platten fur Dänische Wagen Drahtgewebe extra breit 135 x 76 cm
Berg Elektrische Schlauchrolle