Weltweite Lieferung
Seit 1977
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  • Weltweite Lieferung
  • Seit 1977
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Farmax Spatenmaschine 265 cm
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SBO Spatenmaschine 160 cm
Celli Y70.160 Spatenmaschine mit Rolle

Celli Spatenmaschine 220 cm

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Celli Spatenmaschine 220 cm

Celli Spatenmaschine

  • 220 cm


Technische Spezifikationen:

Modell:NZ10 220
Transportmaße:245 cm x 160 cm x 120 cm (Länge x Breite x Höhe)
Maße:220 cm (Breite)


Celli spading machine (krankshaft spader)

  • spade digger
  • 220 cm

The Celli Spading Machine is a breakthrough in agricultural cultivation, aerating windrows and ground aeration of biosolids. It works on the principle of a rotating crankshaft connected to steel spades that vertically penetrate the soil one at a time. This action reduces the horsepower drain on the tractor. The operation is similar to a person digging with a spade and/or shovel and is ideal for fracturing sub-soil hard pans as the Spading Machine will not create plow pan and allows earlier preparation on wet and heavy land without plugging. Operates equally well in very hard, dry conditions.


Technical specifications:

Model:NZ10 220
Transport dimensions:245 cm x 160 cm x 120 cm (length x width x height)
Dimensions:220 cm (width)

Celli Spatenmaschine 220 cm

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Celli Spatenmaschine

  • 220 cm

Daher gebrauchte Maschinen

  • Schnell verfügbar
  • Niedrigere Anschaffungskosten
  • Weniger Amortisation
  • Gleiche Funktionalität
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